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Kranky Geek India Tour 2017
Kranky Geek is coming to India on a 3 city WebRTC tour this March - covering Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai. We will also have workshops on building RTC apps with TokBox in each city. Grab your seat!
WebRTC isn't magic
WebRTC allows peers to see and talk to each other worldwide in real-time. It can look and sound like magic at the outset, till you learn to wield it.
Count participants client-side in OpenTok
You can use events triggered by OpenTok client SDKs to show the number of active participants in a multi-party WebRTC call running on TokBox, entirely on the client-side. Here is how.
Red5 Pro WebRTC: First impression
A quick review on building a basic WebRTC multi-party conference using Red5 Pro media streaming server.
Why decentralize technology?
The concept of decentralization is used in politics, economics and technology to limit the amount of impact a single, centralized body can have over the ecosystem. Why is it important for the technology we have today to be decentralized?
Privacy in technology
Privacy has many facets. The issue of privacy bothers us in today's ever-more connected world because we do not control its manifestations. Let's look at why and how privacy manifests in the technology around us.