Presentations by Kaustav
Curated list of my public presentations and developer event enablement. Grouped by organisation/theme. Sorted by date (recent first) within each category.
- Event enablement, content planning and review, workshop planning – Freshworks Developer Summit 2023, Bangalore [Jun 2023]
- “DX Lessons from Adopting and Scaling Serverless at Freshworks” - AWS Dev Day 2023, Delhi [Mar 2023]
- “Implementation strategies to handle rate limits” – Community Hour - February 2023 (Video) [Feb 2023]
- “Leveling up app storage with Entities” – Advanced Track, Freshworks Developer Summit 2022, Bangalore. Co-presented with Harish Janjam [Sep 2022]
- “Deep dive into Entity Storage” – Community Hour - May 2022. Co-presented with Harish Janjam. (Video) [May 2022]
- “Introducing Postman Visualizer” – (Webinar) (Video) [Nov 2019]
- “Design, Develop and Mock APIs with Postman” – POST/CON 2019 (Slides) (Video) [Sep 2019]
- Booth + mini talk on “APIOps with Postman” (Slides) - APIDays Singapore 2019 [Apr 2019]
- Rustup, cargo and cross-compiling in Rust - Rust meetup Bangalore. [Jul 2016]
- WebRTC in a decentralized environment Kranky Geek (mini) meetup, Bangalore. [Jun 2016]
- WebRTC in Firefox - Kranky Geek WebRTC Event, Bangalore. [Mar 2016]
Mozilla and open web
- Firefox OS for everyone [Feb 2015]
- Firefox OS — Mobile liberated
- Firefox 29 launch
- Documenting the Open Web
- NTU HTML5 BootCamp 2015 - Co-presented with Nick Desaulniers and Soumya Deb.
- NTU HTML5 BootCamp 2014 - Co-presented with Nick Desaulniers and Oscar Tong.
- Why we chose Bash to write our CI scripts at FusionCharts
- Using the LESS CSS pre-processor